Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
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St. Joseph's Care Group

Housing & Long-Term Care Community Support Programs

FAQ for Support Programs (PR Cook Apartments)

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  1. What services are offered for clients who are on the program?
  2. How can I be sure that the package I choose will meet my current needs?
  3. What is the cost of the program?
  4. Are there medical staff on site?


1. What services are offered for clients who are on the program?

Personal Care

The focus of the Support Services Program is personal care, care for the tenants themselves. Care can include bathing help (either in the tenant's own tub or in a central tub with a lift), monitoring of medications, help with dressing, etc. Every attempt is made to provide the services tenants need to live as comfortably as possible.

Housecleaning and Laundry

Housecleaning and laundry are done on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

Life Enrichment

Life Enrichment programs are a very important part of the Support Services Program. Through these activities we strive to create an environment where tenants are treated as individuals and are provided with a sense of belonging and control over their lives. Tenants can chose from a variety of recreational, educational, therapeutic and social activities to fulfill their own needs and interests. An activity is planned every day of the month, usually in the afternoon. The purposes of these activities are socialization and companionship, choice and control, normalization and individuality.

Use of the Heritage Van

The van is booked for scheduled shopping trips and social outings. There is a nominal van fare for the return trip.

How are you checks

Tenants can choose to have a staff person knock on their door every day to confirm that everything is all right as well as to have a little chat.

Emergency Response

This system is already in place in all apartments and is monitored 24 hours a day. Clients can also rent a Pendant Alert system that offers additional security at night.


The staff can assist to make breakfast and lunch for clients in the apartment. A dining enhancement program is offered to clients for the evening meal with a congregate dining program in the tenant lounge. Meals are available seven days a week. Clients can also choose to go down to the coffee shop.

Assistance of a Case Manager

The manager of the program helps tenants to select services to meet their needs from the in-house selection and from services available in the community. Each service package is comprehensive and individualized. The manager is available to discuss any concerns tenants might have.

Respite Apartment

A Respite Apartment is part of the Support Services Program. This apartment accepts seniors from the community for stays up to 30 days at a time. Client care is organized to meet the assessed needs. The Respite Apartment can offer a break to caregivers. Bookings for this apartment are made through the Community Care Access Centre.

2. How can I be sure that the package I choose will meet my current needs?

Each client's schedule of services is individualized to his or her particular needs. Schedules are flexible and can change according to changing circumstances.

3. What is the cost of the program?

The cost of the program depends on the package of services chosen. A subsidy is available and is based on an income qualification.

4. Are there medical staff on site?

The Support Services staff are personal support workers with experience in gerontology and caring for the elderly. Support services does not have registered nursing staff

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