Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
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St. Joseph's Care Group

About St. Joseph's Care Group


125th Anniversary Book Launch

Date: 2009-09-18

This fall, St. Joseph's Care Group (SJCG) celebrates the 125th anniversary of providing care to people in the North West region. As part of these celebrations, SJCG launched an historical book entitled Responding to Unmet Needs: 125 Years of Care in the Community, written by local author, Peter Raffo on Friday, September 18, 2009.

The book, appropriately named Responding to Unmet Needs: 125 Years of Care in the Community, was commissioned by SJCG to honour the rich and diverse history and to chronicle the many changes SJCG has experienced over the past 125 years.

The history of St. Joseph's Care Group, and notably, the role transformation of St. Joseph's General Hospital and the opening of St. Joseph's Heritage, is recorded in this book by Peter Raffo. The story develops in the context of the significant change that was occurring in the provision of health care in the province of Ontario.

Responding to Unmet Needs: 125 Years of Care in the Community will be available for purchase for $10.00 in the gift shops at Hogarth Riverview Manor & St. Joseph's Hospital as well as through Communications at St. Joseph's Heritage.



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