Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
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St. Joseph's Care Group


Strategy & Action

Strategic Plan 2024-2028

St. Joseph's Care Group's Strategic Plan 2024-2028 was written with the experiences and insights of our staff, physicians, Elders, Client & Family Partners, volunteers, the people we serve and their families, and our health and community partners.

Rooted in our Mission, Vision and Values, we will continue to advance exceptional care as guided by three key priorities:

  • Drive High-Quality People-Centred Care
  • Nurture Our People
  • Lead and Enhance Regional Specialized Care
Strategic Plan 2024-2028
Strategic Plan 2024-2028
Strategic Plan

Annual Report

This was the final year of St. Joseph's Care Group's Strategic Plan 2020-2024: Here for You When You Need Us.

Our Annual Report speaks not just to the accomplishments of the past year, but to four extraordinary years in healthcare. Read on to learn more of our ability to adapt, to lean into partnerships, and to quickly and effectively meet challenges while furthering the priorities set by our community.

Leadership Team Report

Annual Reports serve as a snapshot of the 'everyday extraordinary' taking place across our organization over the course of a year. But what about the days in between?

Leadership Team Reports are presented to our Board of Directors (September through June), and are posted here to our website as a way of keeping you up-to-date on the actions and activities under our three key priorities.

*No Publications in July/August

Wiidosem Dabasendizowin (Walking With Humility)

Wiidosem Dabasendizowin Walking With Humility: A Plan to Develop Relationships and Practices with Indigenous Peoples sets the pathway to bring to life St. Joseph's Care Group's commitment to achieve health equity and culturally-safe care.

N'doo'owe Binesi

With guidance from Ogichidaa Onaakonigewin, the Elders Advisory Council, we have embarked on the second of our Walking with Humility plans entitled Looking to the Southern Direction. Over the two years of the plan, Looking to the Southern Direction focuses on ensuring clients receive safe and culturally sensitive care and will support our staff, physicians and volunteers to work in the spirit of reconciliation, upholding the rights of Indigenous Peoples in an environment that is free from racism and discrimination. Our actions will focus on six key areas:

  • Integration of Indigenous Knowledge & Healing Practices
  • Cultural Humility as a Journey
  • Prioritizing Indigenous Health
  • Continued Engagement in Indigenous Research & Evaluation
  • Indigenous Leadership & Governance
  • Communications
  • A Healing Way Forward
Plans and Reports


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