Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
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St. Joseph's Care Group

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Opening of Sister Margaret Smith Centre Time Capsule

SMSC Time Capsule
SMSC Time Capsule

Date: 2009-11-06

On Friday, November 6, 2009, St. Joseph's Care Group opened the 1954 cornerstone at the former Sister Margaret Smith Centre and St. Joseph's School of Nursing. A time capsule was found and opened by representatives from St. Joseph's Care Group, Thunder Bay Historical Museum Society and Thunder Bay Archives. A few mementoes including a few religious statues, relics from the motherhouse, several religious medals, a rosary, holy water, small crucifix and the names of the people who put the capsule in place were found inside the box.

St. Joseph's Care Group will be making plans to put the items on display in the near future.

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