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St. Joseph's Care Group

About St. Joseph's Care Group


A Tea - and Taste

Dawson Court resident <strong>Etta Findlay</strong> (right) tries to decide what kind of bread to sample from St. Joseph's Care Group's Life Enrichment Coordinator <strong>Jessica Venasky</strong> (left)
A Tea - and Taste

Date: 2015-03-17

Last week, more than 45 residents and their family members gathered at Dawson Court for an afternoon tea, courtesy of St. Joseph’s Care Group (SJCG).

The focus of the social was to share information about the nutritious food served at SJCG, and what residents can look forward to in terms of daily menus when they move into the new Hogarth Riverview Manor Expansion this fall.

“This is part of our ongoing engagement with residents at Dawson Court and Grandview Lodge over the next few months as we prepare for moving day into the HRM Expansion,” said SJCG’s Life Enrichment Coordinator Jessica Venasky. “Through ongoing communication and collaboration, we want to make sure that the transition is as seamless and comfortable as possible for everyone.”

Peggy Landry, Manager of Food Services at SJCG, was on hand to talk about SJCG’s fresh, tasty nutritious meals prepared on site in our kitchens. Then participants got to sample some banana, lemon and orange bread, made fresh that day.

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