Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
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St. Joseph's Care Group

About St. Joseph's Care Group


Hogarth Riverview Manor Construction Update

Construction on the Hogarth Riverview Manor Expansion
Construction on the Hogarth Riverview Manor Expansion

Date: 2015-06-30    [Revised: 2015-07-02]

Construction on the Hogarth Riverview Manor Expansion is nearing completion. While most of the work has been occurring inside the building for many months, as we move closer to completion there is necessary work underway outside affecting roadways and byways.

We are committed to keeping you informed of construction that may affect your access to Sister Leila Greco Apartments, Behavioural Sciences Centre and Hogarth Riverview Manor.

Please check signs regularly and/or visit our website for the most up-to-date information.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. Your support will help us develop this important new space for our clients and residents.


  • Presently - storm water line work is occurring on roadways close to HRM and SLGA. Road access for pick-up/drop-off will remain available with flag people controlling the area. The parking lot (on the East side) closest to HRM's entrance has been closed due to this work. Sidewalks have been torn up to complete this work.
  • July 9-10 - work on the storm line work will result in narrowed road width. Flag people will remain in place to maintain safe access to the drop-off/pick-up area at Sister Leila Greco Apartments and Hogarth Riverview Manor.
  • July 6 & 7 - Lillie Street access to SJCG sites will be closed while the City of Thunder Bay completes sewer work. Access to HRM and SLGA will be available from Ford Street using alternate entrance. Flag people will be present and signage will be posted to redirect traffic.
  • July 11 for a 1/2 day - Lillie Street access to SJCG sites will be closed for construction work. Access to HRM and SLGA will be available from Ford Street using an alternate entrance. Flag people will be present and signage will be posted to redirect traffic.
  • Late August - work on road resurfacing, sidewalk and curbs will begin. Work is expected to be complete mid September.

Please be cautious near construction zones.

We value your feedback, contact us at

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