Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
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St. Joseph's Care Group

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First Resident Moves Into Hogarth Riverview Manor

First Resident, Mrs. Helen Rusnak with family
First Resident, Mrs. Helen Rusnak with family

Date: 2016-01-04

St. Joseph's Care Group (SJCG) is excited to welcome the first residents to the new Hogarth Riverview Manor (HRM) expansion. Current HRM residents are moving to the expansion today, to allow additional construction to occur in the original building. The planned closure of both Dawson Court and Grandview Lodge is occurring over the next two months. We will be welcoming residents from Dawson Court starting tomorrow.

Mrs. Helen Rusnak is the first resident to move to the new expansion. She has lived in HRM for 6 years. Daughter-in-law Margaret Rusnak, Chair of the HRM Residents Council says her mother-in-law appreciates the benefits of living at HRM and is anxious to see her new room. “At 97 years old, Helen has seen many changes in her life and will appreciate the continuity of staff as they have become her extended family over the years. As family, we recognize the dedication of SJCG staff and volunteers and thank them in the end for peace of mind in knowing that SJCG works diligently to create a safe environment for the frailest of our seniors.”

Margaret and family had the opportunity to set up Mrs. Rusnak’s room on the 7th floor in advance with her mother-in-law’s belongings and family photos to help with the transition and make Helen comfortable.

Tracy Buckler, President & CEO, SJCG welcomes residents to their new home and acknowledges the work completed to get to this point and the work still underway. “Throughout the project, we’ve been working closely with the City of Thunder Bay, North West Community Care Access Centre and the North West Local Health Integration Network to collectively ensure a smooth transition for residents. Within SJCG, staff is working extremely hard to make sure we are ready and able to provide the best environment and care to our residents and their families. I am so grateful for the teamwork and dedication I have seen from our people.”

Hogarth Riverview Manor (HRM) is a long-term care home operated by St. Joseph’s Care Group (SJCG). The HRM Expansion is a 416-bed extension of the original 96-bed home. Once all construction is complete, HRM will be home to 544 residents. Every home area will has its own dining room, lounge and activity rooms, creating a smaller, more intimate setting for residents and family to gather.

The LINK is the final stage of the HRM Project and is currently under construction. This will be a physical link between the Sister Leila Greco Apartments and Hogarth Riverview Manor. The LINK will house Janzen’s Pharmacy, Robin’s Donuts, a Hair Salon, Volunteer Services and SJCG Auxiliary Gift Shop. Construction on the LINK is expected to be completed this summer.

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