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Four Thunder Bay Health Organizations Shine a Spotlight on How Best Practices are Leading to Better Care

<strong>Showcasing Benefits of Evidence-Based Practice in Patient Care</strong> (from left to right): <strong>Meaghan Sharp</strong>, Vice President Seniors' Health & Chief Nursing Executive, St. Joseph's Care Group; <strong>Traci Fisher-Zaiser</strong>, Director of Nursing, Pioneer Ridge - The Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay; <strong>Rhonda Crocker Ellacott</strong>, Executive Vice President Patient Services & Chief Nursing Officer, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre; <strong>Ken Allan</strong>, Director of Health Protection & Chief Nursing Officer, Thunder Bay District Health Unit; <strong>Pat Seavan</strong>, Regional Representative, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Showcasing Benefits of Evidence-Based Practice in Patient Care

Date: 2016-05-11

Showcasing Benefits of Evidence-Based Practice in Patient Care

Today, the knowledge-based care that nurses bring to their day to day practice was showcased at a media conference in Thunder Bay during National Nursing Week (May 9-13).

Registered nurses representing four health organizations that have adopted ways to make sure that they use the latest research in their practice through the use of best practice guidelines (BPG) explained how they are making a difference for their patients and clients.

The guidelines are tools developed by the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO) to guide nurses. Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre and Thunder Bay District Health Unit have earned designation as RNAO Best Practice Spotlight Organizations (BPSO) for implementing BPGs in their practice environments, while St. Joseph’s Care Group and Pioneer Ridge long-term care home are working towards their designation status. BPSOs sign formal agreements with RNAO to implement and evaluate clinical best practice guidelines within their organizations.

The four organizations have implemented more than a dozen clinical BPGs that focus on key areas of care nurses provide including: prevention of falls, self management of chronic conditions, prevention of pressure ulcers, use of restraints, dementia and depression, breastfeeding, smoking cessation, prevention of childhood obesity, safe sleep practices, healthy adolescent development, preventing and addressing abuse and neglect of older adults, and screening for woman abuse.

“BPSOs are leaders in clinical practice and these organizations should be commended for their commitment to using the best available evidence to ensure better patient care," says Irmajean Bajnok, director of RNAO's Best Practice Guidelines program, adding that for the people of Thunder Bay and the surrounding area, “this emphasis on delivering quality care in public health, acute care and long-term care is a win-win for the entire community.”


 “RNAO Best Practice Guidelines support the provision of best clinical evidence in practice, to ensure safe, effective and best care for our patients and families,” says Dr. Rhonda Crocker Ellacott, Executive Vice President, Patient Services and Chief Nursing Executive at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre.

“RNAO’s Best Practice Guidelines have supported our health unit with a consistent approach to using evidence and provide a framework to support programs that are already doing excellent work,” says Ken Allan, Director of Health Protection and Chief Nursing Officer of the Thunder Bay District Health Unit.

“We are honoured to be one of the first long-term care (LTC) homes in our region selected by RNAO for the LTC-BPSO program.  It has helped build our foundation of an evidence-based culture.  The implementation of RNAO’s best practice guidelines has impacted residents, staff and organizational outcomes,” says Traci Fisher-Zaiser, director of nursing at Pioneer Ridge Long-Term Carte and Senior Services.

"St. Joseph's Care Group believes strongly in collaboration; with our clients and their caregivers, with other organizations, and with leaders in best practice, such as the RNAO through its Best Practice Spotlight Organization initiative.  As we celebrate Nursing Week, we acknowledge this collaborative spirit through the work of four local health service organizations that have come together to speak to how best practice guidelines support clinical excellence within our respective settings, and offer  consistency in the care experience for the clients we collectively serve," says Meaghan Sharp, Vice President of Seniors’ Health and Chief Nursing Executive at St. Joseph’s Care Group.

For more information, please contact:

Kim Callaghan
Director of Communications, Engagement & Client Relations
St. Joseph’s Care Group
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