Exceptional Approach to Engagement Accolades for SJCG's Regional Palliative Care Program
Date: 2017-12-12
On Monday, December 11, 2017, St. Joseph’s Care Group's, North West Regional Palliative Care Program received the North West LHIN Leadership Award for its Exceptional Approach to Stakeholder engagement. Since 2015, the Regional Palliative Care Program (RPCP) has been creating an integrated system of palliative care. The RPCP has prioritized engagement with First Nations communities and the organizations that support them in delivering care to their members. The RPCP aims to respond to the needs of not only the individual but their family, friends, and caregivers and includes a full continuum of care available from initial diagnosis to the period of bereavement. RPCP identified local champions to lead community palliative care programs in all five LHIN Sub-regions, signed formal partnership agreements with community palliative care teams in 9 Local Health Hubs across the region, and established a community of practice for local palliative care champions.
More details found in the News Release attached below, available in english and en français
2017-12-11 North West LHIN Leadership Award Recipients Announced (News Release in English)
2017-12-11 Les lauréats du Prix de leadership 2017 du RLISS du Nord-Ouest sont annoncés (Communiqué de presse en français)