Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
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St. Joseph's Care Group

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St. Joseph's Care Group Accredited with Exemplary Standing Once Again

Date: 2022-09-06

St. Joseph's Care Group Accredited with Exemplary Standing

St. Joseph's Care Group has been awarded Accreditation with Exemplary Standing by Accreditation Canada for a third consecutive time. Accreditation with Exemplary Standing is awarded organizations that reach the highest level of performance by achieving excellence in creating a strong and sustainable culture of quality and safety.

"I'm very proud of our people and the work we do," said Kelli O'Brien, President and CEO of St. Joseph's Care Group. "When I joined St. Joseph's Care Group last fall, it was immediately evident that quality and safety work was happening throughout the organization. Independent surveyors from Accreditation Canada compare what we do against national evidence-informed standards of excellence, and it is an honour to be recognized for the exemplary care delivered to the people we serve."

Accreditation Canada is an independent, not-for-profit Canadian organization that assesses health care and social services organizations against standards of excellence. The process of Accreditation is ongoing and voluntary. It helps health care organizations improve quality and safety by independently assessing organizations against those standards.

St. Joseph's Care Group was awarded and has maintained Accreditation with Exemplary Standing since 2013. In fact, our founding site, St. Joseph's Hospital has been participating in third party evaluation since receiving A-One standing from the American College of Surgeons in 1922.

We are always finding ways to improve, and this year's Accreditation brought in a new dimension. "For the first time, we welcomed a patient surveyor as part of our team of surveyors," Kelli remarked. "The client perspective is woven into our programming and planning, so this surveyor's involvement aligned wonderfully with our client-centred care goals."

The achievement of exemplary standing is only possible because of the commitment and professionalism of our Board of Directors, staff, physicians, volunteers, and client and family partners. To all, we express our sincere gratitude and appreciation.

St. Joseph's Care Group Leading Practices - Health Standards Organization

Quick Facts

  • Accreditation is a voluntary quality improvement process, helping organizations to identify what is being done well, and where improvements can be made.
  • St. Joseph's Care Group has voluntarily participated in evaluation and quality improvement since 1922 (100 years) when St. Joseph's Hospital first received an A-One rating from the Director of Hospital Standardization for the American College of Surgeons.
  • During the week of April 25-29, 2022, four Accreditation Surveyors visited St. Joseph's Care Group to assess how care is delivered.
  • On August 29, 2022, St. Joseph's Care Group was Accredited with Exemplary Standing through to 2026.
  • St. Joseph's Care Group delivers services in Rehabilitative Care Management, Seniors' Health, and Addictions & Mental Health.
  • With more than 2,200 staff providing care at multiple sites throughout Thunder Bay, St. Joseph's Care Group serves the residents of Northwestern Ontario.

For more information, please contact:

Communications, Engagement and Client Relations
St. Joseph's Care Group
(807) 768-4455

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