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St. Joseph's Care Group

About St. Joseph's Care Group


HSO Leading Practice - Visual Strategy Room

Date: 2022-12-23

Health Standards Organization logo seal for Leading Practice awards.

St. Joseph’s Care Group is proud to announce that we have been awarded another Leading Practice from Health Standards Organization (HSO) Canada for our iCare Quality & Safety program at Hogarth Riverview Manor (HRM). This Leading Practice Award recognizes the implementation of the Visual Strategy Room at HRM.

In March 2021, HRM designed and implemented the concept of a Visual Strategy Room (VSR). The VSR is a physical space where clinical and non-clinical groups gather regularly to improve communication and teamwork by:

  • Strategizing and reflecting on the priorities of the organization
  • Understanding problems
  • Identifying opportunities and actions for improvement
  • Celebrating experiments
  • Recognizing individuals and teams for their contributions
  • Providing any necessary support
  • Deploying resources to continue delivering client-centred care.

This project is one part of HRM’s quality transformation journey titled iCare, which encourages staff accountability and ownership in delivering quality and safe care every day. In the past 24 months, a total of 232 improvement ideas have been generated in the VSR, which have triggered a total of 938 unique improvement tickets across HRM. It is an integral part of our culture of recognition and celebration of our quality journey.

We would like to recognize the commitment of the staff and leadership at Hogarth Riverview Manor. Thank you for making the Visual Strategy Room a success at St. Joseph’s Care Group. We are grateful for your hard work and dedication to delivering safe, high quality care for our clients and staff.

For more information:

The HSO is a non-profit affiliate of Accreditation Canada focused on developing standards, assessment programs, and other tools to help healthcare providers deliver quality care for all. HSO also awards Leading Practices to healthcare organizations to recognize creative practices that create a positive impact in achieving healthcare excellence. Leading Practices are innovative, people-centred, evidence-informed practices that have been implemented by teams in an organization. The Leading Practice has demonstrated a positive change related to care and service that is integrated, safe and reliable, and/or accessible and appropriate.


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