Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
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Care Closer to Home

Northwestern Ontario's Regional Wound Care & Limb Preservation Conference 2023

Carolyn Freitag, Vice President Clinical and Chief Nursing Executive at St. Joseph's Care Group
Carolyn Freitag, Vice President Clinical and
Chief Nursing Executive at St. Joseph's Care Group

Date: 2023-06-21

In June, the Regional Wound Care Program hosted the Northwestern Ontario Regional Wound Care & Limb Preservation Conference in Thunder Bay. Organized by a number of community partners including St. Joseph's Care Group (SJCG) and Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC), the conference aimed to unite clinicians, caregivers, and people living with wounds and/or amputation by providing education, knowledge-sharing, and networking opportunities.

Bringing together 180 local and regional attendees dedicated to authentic learning and collaborative improvement, guests spent the weekend addressing the unique needs of the region and developing the skills and connections to provide the best care closer to home. Throughout the 3-day conference, registrants had many opportunities to learn from more than 40 speakers, and participated in a number of skills labs, including compression therapy, wound bed prep, and offloading

"It's so important to provide opportunities for clinicians, care providers, and clients to come together and build capacity right here in our region," describes Allison Luther, interim Regional Wound Care Manager at SJCG. "I'm so happy we were able to provide an impactful learning experience focused on cutting-edge technology, innovative procedures, culturally-safe care, and early diagnosis and treatment with the goal of improving client outcomes."

The focus of this year's conference was best practices and Indigenous Health. The conference welcomed Dr. Margarita Elloso for a discussion on Two Eyed Seeing in Healthcare, with an emphasis on establishing effective communication between Western biomedicine practitioners and First Nation Traditional Healers in daily practice. As many know, the rate of lower limb amputations in Northwestern Ontario is nearly double the provincial average. People living in Indigenous communities, particularly those in Ontario's remote Northwest, are disproportionately affected and experience amputation rates seven times the provincial average.

Two people looking at a row of poster boards.

"These numbers presents a burning platform to integrate lower-limb preservation measures. One of the ways our region aims to address these issues is through the Lower-Limb Preservation Strategy, directed by Ontario Health," explains Carolyn Freitag, Vice President Clinical and Chief Nursing Executive at SJCG. "The goal of the project is to reduce avoidable, non-traumatic major lower-limb amputations in Ontario and to improve equitable access to high-quality, best-practice care. In partnership, we work towards understanding the unique needs of Indigenous communities through regional planning, building capacity, and enhancing technology to optimize positive health outcomes for the people of Northwestern Ontario."

For many attendees, the weekend reminded them that ensuring clients take the lead in their own care decisions is more crucial than ever. As experts came together to develop solutions to the unique needs of the region, they remembered that successful outcomes look different for everyone, and each care journey will face its own joys and challenges along the way.

Thank you to all the presenters, researchers, organizers and attendees for making the Northwestern Ontario Regional Wound Care & Limb Preservation Conference a success. Special thanks to Allison Luther and the Regional Wound Care Program for organizing an incredible event that connected clinicians and caregivers directly to the people we care for.

To learn more about the Regional Wound Care Program, or the Northwestern Ontario Regional Wound Care & Limb Preservation Conference, please contact:

Allison Luther
807-343-2431 ext. 2289

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