Withdrawal Management Services Moving to 500 Oliver Road on Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Date: 2024-12-13
Thunder Bay, ON - St. Joseph's Care Group's Withdrawal Management program is moving to its new permanent location at 500 Oliver Road on Tuesday, December 17, 2024.
A sense of excitement for the change has been building since it was announced in July of this year. "This is a great move because it will help us deliver safer care for clients and staff alike in a fully-accessible building," said Andrea Docherty, Vice President Clinical & Community Health. "The move will be seamless to clients, with no downtime or interruption to this vital service."
Planning has been a collaborative effort, with staff, clients, community partners and the neighbourhood all contributing to make this a successful transition. Docherty notes, "We're confident that, once complete, this new chapter will allow us to make an even greater impact in the lives of those we care for, through enhanced dignity and culturally-safe services for clients, and improved safety for staff and community partners."
"We want people who are living with addictions to know that they are welcome, and that they will receive care free from judgment or stigma," said Janine Black, President & CEO of St. Joseph's Care Group. "The relocation of Withdrawal Management is the first phase of a larger commitment to expanding and enhancing addictions services here in Thunder Bay. In the next phase, we will focus on opening needed safe sobering beds in the spring."
SJCG extends its sincere gratitude to the community for their patience as the initial phase of the project is successfully completed.

Quick Facts
- Only the location is changing. Withdrawal Management can still be reached at 807-623-6515.
- St. Joseph's Care Group's Balmoral Centre opened in 1989 as a 20-bed voluntary non-medical withdrawal management program.
- In 2013, additional funding enabled the provision of medically-supervised withdrawal management and stabilization to reduce addiction-related visits to the emergency department (ED) including a bypass protocol allowing EMS to bring clients directly to Balmoral Centre.
For more information, please contact:
St. Joseph's Care Group
Communications & Government Relations
Media Line: 807-768-4455