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St. Joseph's Care Group

About St. Joseph's Care Group


Community Report 2011-2012

Date: 2012-06-26

The Community Report is published yearly to inform and educate the public about programs and services provided by St. Joseph's Care Group.

Some highlights of our 2011-2012 Community Report:

  • Strategic Plan 2012-2015: It's all about Client-Centred Care
  • CEISS: Update on a Continuum of Care
  • Focusing on Quality Care: Excellent Care for All Act (ECFAA)
  • Principles of Care
  • LEED Gold Certification for Sister Margaret Smith Centre
  • GAPPS: Getting Appropriate Personal & Professional Supports
  • Improving Seniors' Care in the North West
  • COPD: Thinking About Breathing
  • Maximizing Strengths: Expanding Rehabilitation at St. Joseph's Hospital
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