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St. Joseph's Care Group

About St. Joseph's Care Group


Safe Visiting During the Pandemic

Date: 2022-01-18

Safe Visiting During the Pandemic

Having loved ones visit is an important part of the overall wellness felt by anyone in hospital, supportive housing or long-term care. We also want to keep everyone as safe as possible by slowing transmission of COVID-19, and that means finding ways to preserve visiting while limiting the number of people entering St. Joseph’s Care Group’s sites.

For the time being, we have paused General Visitors. Instead, each client or their substitute decision maker has been asked to designate two Caregivers (as they’re called in long-term care) or two Essential Visitors (in all other areas including hospital) who will continue to visit while contributing to overall well-being and helping with personal care. Compassionate exceptions are made for clients who are at end-of-life.

Each time they come for a visit, Caregivers and Essential Visitors participate in COVID screening and wear a procedure mask provided by SJCG for the duration of their visit. Additional precautions apply to Caregivers in long-term care, where regular antigen testing is required by the Ministry of Long-Term Care.  

If a Caregiver or Essential Visitor is experiencing symptoms of COVID (or cold and flu), has had an exposure to a positive case or has someone isolating in their household – they cannot visit.  Clients or their substitute decision makers are welcome to change their designated visitor when this happens, or as needed to provide respite their regular visitors.

In partnership with Tbaytel, free WiFi is available at most SJCG sites so clients can stay in touch using their smartphone or computer if able. Through generous donations from the city with a giant heart, we are also able to offer scheduled virtual visits for client who don’t have devices or need a little extra support with technology. To schedule a visit, go to and click the Request a Televisit or Send a Message button.

What’s the best way to stay safe and protect others during the pandemic? Get vaccinated, and get your booster if eligible. Evidence has shown that getting vaccinated is the best way to prevent a serious infection from COVID. There are many options in our community to get the vaccine, just visit to learn more.

So keep on doing what we know keeps you safe – clean your hands often, physically distance, wear a mask (and wear it properly) and stay home when aren’t feeling well. We will get through this together!

To learn more about current visiting requirements, please visit our COVID-19 Information section.

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