Year 2014
Date: 2014-12-18
Your Healthcare Options - During the holiday season, doctor's offices and walk-in clinics are often closed, or may be open for a limited number of hours. However, your local hospital is not the only place to get emergency care. [full story]

Date: 2014-12-18
Wishing you all a Wonderful Holiday Season - May the blessings and peace of the Christmas Season be with you and your family during this festive time and throughout the coming year. [full story]

Date: 2014-12-18
10th Annual Showcase of Health Research: 2015 Making a Difference! - - Registrations Now Closed! The Research Department at St. Joseph's Care Group is pleased to host the 10th Annual Showcase of Health Research: 2015 Making a Difference on February 6, 2015 [full story]

Date: 2014-11-27
Personal Support Workers Opportunities - St. Joseph's Care Group (SJCG) is working collaboratively with Confederation College to meet the growing demand for Personal Support Workers (PSWs) in Northwestern Ontario. [full story]

Date: 2014-11-19
Every Breath Counts - On average, we take about 16 breaths a minute. That works out to 960 an hour, 23,040 a day and more than eight million a year. Most of us do this without thinking. But for someone living with chronic [full story]

Date: 2014-09-29
Call for Abstracts - 10th Annual Showcase of Health Research: 2015 Making a Difference! - Submissions Now Closed! You are cordially invited to participate in this event by submitting an abstract. We are interested in paper and poster presentations of health [full story]

Date: 2014-08-21
Green Werks Garden Party - Growing Skills, Confidence and Sustainability - Green Werks Garden at St. Joseph's Care Group is celebrating another successful harvest. The Green Werks Garden produces organically-grown vegetables [full story]

Date: 2014-07-24
Maintaining Quality of Life: Advancement in Seniors' Care - Seniors' care at St. Joseph's Care Group (SJCG) has undergone transformation and advancement this past year. One important internal change is that programs and services for seniors are now aligned [full story]

Date: 2014-07-16
Live Webcam - St. Joseph's Care Group is pleased to announce the launch of a LIVE Webcam at the construction site of the Centre of Excellence for Integrated Seniors' Services (CEISS). [full story]

Date: 2014-07-07
Blessing Ceremony at Sister Leila Greco Apartments - As part of St. Joseph's Care Group's Catholic tradition, a Blessing Ceremony was held at the Sister Leila Greco Apartments (SLGA) on Wednesday, June 25, 2014. [full story]

Date: 2014-06-26
Annual Report 2013-2014 - The Annual Report highlights a year in which St. Joseph's Care Group proudly continues to deliver high quality healthcare to the people of Northwestern Ontario. [full story]

Date: 2014-06-02
Community Report 2013-2014 - The Community Report is published yearly to inform and educate residents of Northwestern Ontario about the programs and services provided by St. Joseph's Care Group. [full story]

Date: 2014-02-06
Application for Membership on the Board of Directors - Applications Now Closed! We are seeking individuals to fill vacancies on our volunteer Board of Directors [full story]
Date: 2014-01-21
Organizational Restructuring - St. Joseph's Care Group is committed to continuous quality improvement. As such, we regularly review our organizational structure to ensure it meets the evolving needs of our clients. [full story]