Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
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St. Joseph's Care Group

About St. Joseph's Care Group


Up-to-Date COVID-19

Visitor Information

President & CEO Message to the Community

Date: 2020-03-20

Protecting the health and wellbeing of vulnerable people during this global pandemic of COVID-19 requires proactive measures. St. Joseph's Care Group (SJCG) has implemented active screening across all sites, and everyone must be screened prior to entering our buildings.

At the same time, we made the difficult decision to restrict visitors in our long-term care homes (Hogarth Riverview Manor and Bethammi Nursing Home), and at St. Joseph’s Hospital. This decision is in accordance with Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health’s recommendations, protecting a population who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19.

We know that not being able to visit affect clients, families and friends alike, particularly for clients who are unable to understand why the restrictions might be in place. We are doing everything we can to help clients and residents stay connected with their loved ones. Our teams are helping to organize telephone calls for clients and residents who do not have access to a telephone or cellular phone. There are a limited number of tablets available for ‘virtual visits’ to take place, and we are working to find more during this time when the available supply is limited. There are also processes in place to make a compassionate exception to the visitor restrictions for those at end-of-life.

Screening and visitor restrictions are in place at all SJCG sites, and will be for the foreseeable future. With the support of the public, families, staff and clients, our hope is that this global pandemic will be contained. For up-to-date information on screening and restrictions at all SJCG sites, as well as changes to outpatient services, please visit our COVID-19 Visitor Information page. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Tracy Buckler, RN, BScN, MHS, CHE
President & Chief Executive Officer
St. Joseph's Care Group

Visitor Information for all sites located here.

Media Contact

SJCG Communications, Engagement & Client Relations
(807) 768-4455

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