Year 2017

Date: 2017-12-13
Merry Christmas - May the blessings and peace of the Christmas season be with you and your family during this festive time and throughout the coming year. [full story]

Date: 2017-12-12
Exceptional Approach to Engagement Accolades for SJCG's Regional Palliative Care Program - St. Joseph’s Care Group's, North West Regional Palliative Care Program received the North West LHIN Leadership Award for its Exceptional Approach to Stakeholder engagement. Since 2015, the Regional Palliative Care Program (RPCP) has been creating an integrated system of palliative care. [full story]

Date: 2017-12-04
Changes to Smoking Legislation affect St. Joseph's Hospital and Lakehead Psychiatric Hospital - The Smoke-Free Ontario Act is changing. Currently, the Act prohibits smoking tobacco in all enclosed workplaces and enclosed public places, as well as other designated places in Ontario, to protect workers and the public from the hazards of second-hand smoke. [full story]

Date: 2017-12-01
$882,500 Youth Opportunities Fund Grant Helps Northwestern Ontario Youth Get Care - On Friday morning, local MPP Bill Mauro and Ontario Trillium Foundation volunteer
Lesley Bell met with representatives from NorthBEAT and St. Joseph's Care Group to formally congratulate them on the $882,500 Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) grant that they received from the Ontario Trillium Foundation earlier this year. [full story]

Date: 2017-12-01
Rehabilitative Care Alliance (RCA) Visits Northwestern Ontario - RCA Executive Director Charissa Levy spent a week in the North West LHIN, meeting with providers in Thunder Bay and Eabametoong First Nation (Fort Hope). Denise Taylor, Coordinator for the LHIN's Regional Rehabilitative Care Program, organized and hosted the visit. [full story]

Date: 2017-11-13
National Addictions Awareness Week - The Sister Margaret Smith Centre provides a wide range of residential and outpatient services for youth, adults and their families dealing with addiction. [full story]

Date: 2017-09-20
Announcing SJCG's 2016-2017 Annual Report - 2016-2017 is the first year of our five year Strategic: Plan Here for You When You Need Us. It has been a year of great progress with far too much to cover in this brief introduction. We welcome and encourage you to read on and learn more about the work underway at St. Joseph's Care Group. [full story]

Date: 2017-09-19
Four organizations come together to launch new outpatient referral service - Several organizations have joined forces to offer a single point of contact
called Access Point Northwest, dedicated to helping people find the services they need. [full story]
Date: 2017-09-12
Volunteer Opportunity - The Research Ethics Board (REB) requires a Community Representative with no affiliation to St. Joseph's Care Group (SJCG). REB is a volunteer board that reviews all research applications involving SJCG clients and staff. [full story]
Date: 2017-08-17
Changes to Smoking Legislation Affect St. Joseph's Hospital and the Lakehead Psychiatric Hospital - The Smoke-Free Ontario Act is changing. Currently, the Act prohibits smoking tobacco in all enclosed workplaces and enclosed public places, as well as other designated places in Ontario, to protect workers and the public from the hazards of second-hand smoke. As of January 1, 2018, hospitals and psychiatric facilities must be completely smoke-free. [full story]

Date: 2017-08-10
Accessible Parking Closer to St. Joseph's Hospital - Starting Monday, August 21, 2017, accessible parking will be available next to St. Joseph's Hospital via Camelot Street. Please see map below. These are metered spots for clients or visitors to St. Joseph's Hospital displaying accessible parking permits. This lot is monitored, and unauthorized vehicles will be towed. [full story]

Date: 2017-06-20
Client Satisfaction Survey Report - Each year, St. Joseph's Care Group conducts a client satisfaction survey. This survey is just one of the ways in which we gather valuable feedback from our clients and families. This year's results are very positive. We have been fortunate to maintain high scores in all areas for many years. This achievement is built on our foundation of responding to unmet needs and the many staff, clients, families and volunteers who committed to quality improvement. [full story]

Date: 2017-05-15
Hogarth Riverview Manor, Entering the Home Stretch - With construction of the resident home areas complete, Hogarth Riverview Manor began to welcome its first residents over the past weekend. [full story]

Date: 2017-05-08
St. Joseph's Care Group Accredited with Exemplary Standing - St. Joseph's Care Group has been awarded Accreditation with Exemplary Standing by Accreditation Canada. To achieve Exemplary Standing, the highest level of Accreditation awarded, an organization must go beyond the requirements of Accreditation Canada and demonstrate excellence in quality improvement in health care. [full story]

Date: 2017-05-03
Ontario Honours St. Joseph's Care Group for Support in Future Careers - On April 23, 2017, St. Joseph's Care Group was presented with the Employer Champion Award at the Ontario Cooperative Education Association conference. [full story]

Date: 2017-03-17
Join Our Board - Applications Now Closed! St. Joseph's Care Group is looking for candidates to apply for an upcoming vacancy on our volunteer Board of Directors. [full story]

Date: 2017-02-05
Making a Difference: 2017 Showcase of Health Research - Organized by the Centre for Applied Health Research the Showcase continues to be the premier annual venue for the dissemination of research relevant to the health of Northwestern Ontarians. [full story]

Date: 2017-01-26
Aboriginal Group and Partners Collaboration Results in Developing Health Care Career Paths for Aboriginal Youth - Anishinabek Employment and Training Services (AETS) in partnership with St. Joseph's Care Group and Confederation College, are proud to announce the completion of the Food Services Worker (FSW) and Personal Support Worker (PSW) Training Programs. [full story]

Date: 2017-01-20
Admissions Resume at Hogarth Riverview Manor - St. Joseph’s Care Group is pleased to announce that admissions to Hogarth Riverview Manor will resume on Monday, January 23, 2017. [full story]