Staff Resources
Short-Term Disability & Benefits
If this is a work related illness or injury, please go to the WSIB Work Related Injuries page under the Employee Portal Page.
Short-Term Disability Program
Short-term disability claims for all SJCG employees is managed by Occupational Health and Wellness. This is applicable to all full-time and part-time employees (permanent and temporary).
When an employee is absent from work for more than 5 calendar days they must contact Occupational Health and Wellness and submit an Attending Physician/Practitioner's Statement (APS) form to Occupational Health and Wellness. Occupational Health & Wellness will verify medical proof of total disability and authorize disability leave. If the medical information does not support total disability, the payment of sick benefits may not occur. The employee is expected to maintain ongoing communication with Occupational Health & Wellness and manager/designate for the duration of the sick absence.
The Short-Term Disability program is part of the Early and Safe Return to Work program. Its goal is to return ill or injured employees to work safely.
Completed APS forms can be submitted to Occupational Health & Wellness by confidential fax, email or by regular mail or may be brought to an Occupational Health & Wellness Office in person.
- Attending Physician's Statement
- Attending Practitioner's Statement*
- Functional Abilities for Timely Return to Work**
** You will be directed if required to complete this form.
Any information that is shared with Occupational Health and Wellness by an employee regarding their Personal Health Information or treatment will be confidential.
Responsibility of the Employee
If you are unable to report to work due to a non-occupational illness or injury, the following process must be followed:
Step #1 - Notify your manager or designate as soon as possible and maintain regular contact with your manager/designate.
Step #2 - If you are absent or expect to be absent for more than 5 calendar days, you must contact Occupational Health & Wellness. In addition, you must submit an Attending Physician/Practitioner's Statement (APS) form to Occupational Health & Wellness.
In the event of a pre-scheduled medical treatment, (for example, surgery requiring an absence from work for more than 5 calendar days), you must submit an APS form to Occupational Health & Wellness prior to the commencement of the planned medical absence.
Step #3 - The employee is expected to maintain ongoing communication with Occupational Health & Wellness and manager/designate for the duration of the sick absence.
Step #4 - Occupational Health & Wellness will facilitate Early and Safe Return to Work in collaboration with the employee and manager/designate.
Responsibility of the Manager
If an employee is unable to report to work due to a non-occupational illness or injury, the following process must be followed:
Step #1 - An employee notifies you of a medical absence. The employee is expected to maintain contact with you during their absence.
Step #2 - If an employee is absent or expect to be absent for more than 5 calendar days, Occupational Health & Wellness must be notified. In addition, an Attending Physician/Practitioner's Statement (APS) form must be completed and submited to Occupational Health & Wellness.
In the event of a pre-scheduled medical treatment requiring an absence from work for more than 5 calendar days (for example, surgery) the employee must submit an APS form to Occupational Health & Wellness prior to the commencement of the planned medical absence.
Code the employee regular sick coding (SKPD or SKUN) as appropriate in StaffRight for the duration of the sick absence unless otherwise directed by Occupational Health & Wellness.
Step #3 - Occupational Health & Wellness will facilitate Early and Safe Return to Work in collaboration with the employee and manager/designate.
Ontario Hospital Association (OHA) Benefit Plans
The following are sick benefits we offer to our staff through the Ontario Hospital Association.
- Disability Income Plan 1980*
- Disability Income Plan 1992 - Part A: A Sick Pay Benefit
- Disability Income Plan 1992 - Part B: Long-Term Disability Benefit
*ONA St. Joseph's Hospital employees hired before January 1, 2006
-- Updated: January 13, 2025 --